Fateh Scan


Kaveh radiographic device
Model: PX160D

  • d95b635a64
  • 32c3fab60c
  • ef10481697
  • 253cc0fa39
d95b635a64 32c3fab60c ef10481697 253cc0fa39
Voltage 40 to 160 kV
Current 0.2 to 1 MA
Power Supply 3Ah Li-ion Bat
Connection Wifi,Lan
Operating Temp -10 to +45 C
Output Extension JPEG,PNG,Exlc
HOME X-RAY Kaveh radiographic device

Kaveh radiographic device PX160D

The Kaveh 160D digital imaging device is an imaging system that can provide a radiographic image of the weld of a tube or other parts. It consists of an X-ray generator and a detector. Distinctive features of Kaveh radiographic device compared to the previous model are maximum  X-ray output energy and less detector thickness. This device allows the user to provide digital radiography of oil and gas transmission lines online. Also, the user can check the existence of welding defects, corrosion, cracking and porosity by using software and special image processing algorithms of this system.


  • Radiography of industrial welds
  • Detection of pipe corrosion
  • Quality control of casting parts
  • Non-destructive testing

Special features

  • Online welding quality review
  • Large size detector
  • Powerful and native software
  • Low dose leakage
  • Stable wireless connection up to 20 meters
  • Powerful proprietary image processing algorithms


Unit Value
Wire Detection AWG 39 to 40
Spatial Resolution mm 0.8 to 0.4
Acquisition Time s 10 to 60
Panel Dimensions mm 810*4300*30
Active Area mm 600*400
Power Suply AH 3Ah Li-ion Bat
Connection - WiFi,LAN
Operating Temp C -10 to +45
Penetration mm 35
ExPosure Type - DE
Image Processing - Invert, Emboss, Pseudo, Focus, Rotate, Histogram, Annotation
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