Fateh Scan


Baggage X-ray inspection device
Model: FX6040-B

  • 58fb8e4a69
HOME X-RAY Baggage X-ray inspection device

Baggage X-ray inspection device Model: FX6040-B

Baggage X-ray inspection device is used to identify drugs, explosives, dangerous liquids, cold weapons and firearms using the optimal and modern design of X-ray imaging. It is a practical tool in airports, railways, post offices, customs, prisons, ports and important buildings. The high quality of the device components and their high average downtime have significantly reduced the maintenance costs of this device.


  • Airports
  • Customs
  • Railway station
  • Stadiums

Special features

  • Single and dual energy imaging
  • Materials discrimination
  • Very low dose leakage (Less than 1Gy/h at a distance of 5 cm from the body)
  • Storage of up to 100,000 images
  • Image magnification up to 32x


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